Sales - System Design -

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About Us
Pro/Mark Industrials is a Sales Consulting
Firm located in Woodstock,Ontario. We draw from over 35 years of
experience calling on and servicing industrial maintenance,
manufacturing and engineering operatives in a diversity of
industries. A specialized focus on the design, installation and
integration of lubrication and fluid handling systems has provided
us with insights into many maintenance, production and environmental
processes. Our customers benefit from our years of experience, the
professional contacts we network with and the suppliers we partner with. We
assist our customers in the selection of the best equipment and the
right supplier to meet the requirements of their applications and projects and we support it all
with a full design capability.
As a manufacturer’s representative, we work with specific manufacturers and suppliers who have industry proven capabilities.
The companies that we represent possess the infrastructures and the resources that ensure the reliable, ongoing support for their products and services. Pro/Mark actively searches for new product
line opportunities that provide authentic value to our customers.